Do you have teeth discoloration and is it affecting your daily life? Do you refrain from smiling or laughing openly because of yellow teeth? Looking for an immediate solution? You are at the right place!
We offer newest and quickest technique named as zoom teeth whitening that uses the technology of laser light for teeth whitening. This procedure is performed by a dentist at his/her office and is considered the most effective form of teeth whitening. It is a quick procedure and takes less than an hour. It works best for people with yellow teeth and is less effective for people with grey, brown or purple teeth.
No special preparations are needed for this procedure. Your dentist will usually schedule a regular check up before the appointment to ensure that there are no current dental problems requiring prior treatment. During zoom teeth whitening, the first step is to cover your lips and gums t o keep the whitening solution off those areas. Then a special hydrogen peroxide whitening gel is applied to the teeth and laser light is used to activate the whitening gel. The gel is removed after 15 minutes and a new layer applied twice. A special fluoride gel is applied after the last 15 minutes to reduce any sensitivity that the whitening gel may have caused
Zoom teeth whitening offers advantages like immediate and long-lasting results, quick and fast procedure, not time consuming, comfortable, provide teeth up to 10 shades lighter, can choose the preferred shade, safe with minimal side effects and boosts your confidence to smile. Moreover you will also receive a zoom teeth whitening kit to take home to help keep your teeth white longer.