Do you tend to get confused or find it difficult to understand your dental conditions and the proposed treatment while communicating with your dentist? Our new state-of-the-art dental technology using intra oral cameras is a great way to improve your comfort and understanding of your current dental conditions in a gentle, touch-less manner.
Intra oral camera is a technology where your dental conditions are captured by a comfortable miniature camera wand and then displayed on a monitor. Problems like fractures, leaks in fillings and deteriorating areas can be viewed magnified, clear and close-up which enhances our understanding of our dental condition. These visual findings are often paired with other traditional diagnostic tools to plan any necessary treatment. Thus you can participate directly in decision making process regarding the preferred treatment approach.
Use of intra oral cameras is simple and unobtrusive in the oral cavity for the patient since its wand is smooth, slender and compact. It can take static pictures as well as videos. During this procedure, the dentist inserts the camera into the patient’s mouth and gently shifts it about to capture pictures from various angles and simultaneously. Sometimes dentists may even hand the camera wand directly to the patients and allow them to tour their mouth themselves for inspection and discovery.
Intra oral cameras play an important role in educating the patients and enhancing their knowledge about their own condition thus promoting informed decision making. Moreover the images can be stored, shared with specialists, emailed with insurance claims, reprinted and cosmetically enhanced. In a nutshell, intra-oral cameras are extremely handy and useful in both diagnosing dental conditions accurately as well as educating patients regarding dental problems.