Dental Problems
Cross Keys Dental has provided personalized dental care to thousands of families. Our patients come from near and far to experience the warm, individualized care we provide. We pride ourselves in utilizing the most modern equipment and methods available.
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Bad breath, also called halitosis is an unpleasant odour coming from the mouth. It is usually the result of not brushing or flossing your teeth properly, eating odour-causing food, smoking or chewing tobacco or unhealthy lifestyle habits. It can also be caused by dental problems like dry mouth and gingivitis, cavities, mouth infections, food particles remaining stuck to dentures and braces, etc.
Symptoms of bad breath are foul odour coming from your mouth, dry mouth, unpleasant taste, white coating of your tongue, etc. Bad breath can be treated by following healthy dental habits like brushing and flossing your teeth daily, use of antibacterial mouth rinses, quitting smoking and changing bad habits. Regular dental check-ups and cleaning of your dentures and braces by a dentist can help avoid bad breaths.
Gum disease or Gingivitis is a condition where your gums become irritated, red and swollen and start bleeding.Gingivitis is a mild form gum disease (periodontal disease), usually caused by build-up of sticky plaque along and under the gum line. This plaque is formed by bacteria in mouth combining with mucus and other particles
Gingivitis is usually mild and therefore might not show symptoms. Untreated gingivitis can progress to gum disease that spreads to underlying tissue and bone (periodontitis), a much more serious condition that can lead to tooth loss.Therefore it is necessary to have frequent and regular dental check-ups, cleaning and treatment by a dentist in order to avoid more serious gum disease and eventual tooth loss. Common symptoms of gum disease are swollen gums, soft, puffy, tender gums, receding gums, bleeding gums, bad breath, etc. if you see any of these symptoms, consult your dentist soon.
Have you experienced feeling something hard in your mouth that neither melts nor dissolves, while biting or eating something hard? It is a piece of your broken tooth!
You have a cracked or chipped teeth when the edges of your teeth become irregular, rough and jagged. This is usually due to erosion of tooth enamel caused by acids. Enameis the hard, outermost protective layer of the tooth which protects it from wear and tear due to chewing, biting, clenching, and grinding as well as insulates it from severe temperatures and chemicals.
Your tooth is usually chipped when you bite something hard, consumption of soft drinks and fruit drinks with high acid content, receiving a punch to the face, grinding teeth excessively, brushing your teeth too hard, gum diseases, etc. If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, consult your dentist immediately to avoid further damage and infection.
Once a tooth is chipped, it cannot be naturally repaired by the body as the enamel does not have living cells.
Dental Cavities are tiny openings or holes in your teeth caused due to tooth decay. Dental cavities are also called as dental caries. Dental cavities and tooth decay are mostly observed in children, teenagers and elderly.The main risk factors for dental cavities are not cleaning your teeth properly, small teeth, thin enamel, damaged fillings, diet rich in sugar and starch, frequency of food intake, insufficient fluoride levels, etc.
Tooth decay is a slow process and you may not be aware of its development. Normally, you may notice its symptoms only when the decay reaches the inner layers of the tooth. So it’s important that you regularly have dental check-ups and cleanings, even when your mouth feels fine.
Clenching or grinding teeth, also known as Bruxism is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. In this condition you tend to unconsciously clench your teeth together during the day, or clench or grind them at night (sleep bruxism).
Teeth grinding is usually caused by stress, anger, tension or anxiety. It often occurs during sleep and is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth. Other causes for grinding teeth are aggressive, competitive or hyperactive personality type, sleep apnea, abnormal alignment of upper and lower teeth (malocclusion), stomach acid reflux into the esophagus, side effects of medicines or other medical conditions.
Signs and symptoms of bruxism may include teeth grinding or clenching, flattened, fractured, chipped or loose teeth, worn out tooth enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, jaw or face pain or soreness, tired or tight jaw muscles, dull headache, damage from chewing on the inside of your cheek, indentations on your tongue, etc. if you experience any of these symptoms consult your dentist to discuss the matter. If you notice that your child is grinding his or her teeth in the day or at night, make sure to consult your dentist.
Severe bruxism can damage your teeth, restorations, crowns or jaw, cause tension-type headaches and facial pain or cause disorders related to the temporomandibular joints (TMJs).
Dark tooth is a condition where there is any change to the hue, color or translucency of a tooth due to any cause. These causes can be use of food and drinks like coffee, tea, colas, and wines, tobacco use, poor dental hygiene, restorative filling materials, certain medications, advancing age, trauma, environment, etc
Dark tooth is more of a cosmetic problem as it can reduce your self-confidence and you may become hesitant while smiling. Therefore consult your dentist for a solution. There are many teeth whitening techniques and other procedures in cosmetic dentistry that can solve your dark tooth problem and improve your smile.
Do you fear going to the dentist? You are not alone, About 9% to 20% of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of anxiety or fear. So it is a universal phenomenon!
Dental anxiety is usually caused by a number of factors like personality characteristics, fear of pain, past traumatic dental experiences, particularly in childhood, etc. Anesthetic injection, dental surgical procedures, and extractions are the most terrifying dental procedures that can lead to dental anxiety. People with dental anxiety will do everything possible to avoid going to the dentist and will usually go to the dentist only when forced to do so by extreme pain.
However knowing and understanding your dental problem from your dentist and staying informed can reduce dental anxiety to a great extent. Moreover the modern dental technological tools make most of the dental procedures much less painful which could be a major relief for people with dental anxiety.
Do you fear going to the dentist? You are not alone!About 9% to 20% of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of anxiety or fear. So it is a universal phenomenon!
Dental anxiety is usually caused by a number of factors like personality characteristics, fear of pain, past traumatic dental experiences, particularly in childhood, etc. Anesthetic injection, dental surgical procedures, and extractions are the most terrifying dental procedures that can lead to dental anxiety. People with dental anxiety will do everything possible to avoid going to the dentist and will usually go to the dentist only when forced to do so by extreme pain.
However knowing and understanding your dental problem from your dentist and staying informed can reduce dental anxiety to a great extent. Moreover the moderndental technological tools make most of the dental procedures much less painful which could be a major relief for people with dental anxiety.
Do you experience dry mouth occasionally? It is normal to have dry mouth occasionally like when nervous or stressed or while taking some kind of medication . But if your dry mouth persists, it might be a serious condition and you should consult your dentist immediately.
Dry mouth, also called xerostomia is caused when salivary glands in mouth are not working properly to produce enough saliva. Dysfunction to salivary glands can be caused by several factors like side effects of certain medications, disease conditions like diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, HIV /AIDS, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, etc.Most common symptoms of dry mouth are frequent thirst, dry feeling in mouth and throat, chapped lips, altered taste, bad breath, rough tongue, thick and stringy saliva, mouth sores, difficulty in chewing, swallowing or speaking, etc. If you notice any of these symptoms it is necessary to see your dentist immediately.
Dry mouth if not treated can lead to fungal infections in mouth, tooth decay, difficulty in speaking, chewing and swallowing, permanent mouth and throat disorders and can impair a person’s quality of life.
Gum disease or Gingivitis is a condition where your gums become irritated, red and swollen and start bleeding.Gingivitis is a mild form gum disease (periodontal disease), usually caused by build-up of sticky plaque along and under the gum line. This plaque is formed by bacteria in mouth combining with mucus and other particles.
Gingivitis is usually mild and therefore might not show symptoms. Untreated gingivitis can progress to gum disease that spreads to underlying tissue and bone (periodontitis), a much more serious condition that can lead to tooth loss.Therefore it is necessary to have frequent and regular dental check-ups, cleaning and treatment by a dentist in order to avoid more serious gum disease and eventual tooth loss. Common symptoms of gum disease are swollen gums, soft, puffy, tender gums, receding gums, bleeding gums, bad breath, etc. if you see any of these symptoms, consult your dentist soon.
Gum disease can have a genetic predisposition. People with genetic susceptibility to gum disease are six times more likely to develop it. Therefore if anyone in your family has gum disease, you may be at a higher risk and may require regular dental check-ups.
If you have persistent tooth pain, it might be due to tooth abscess. Tooth abscess is an infection within a tooth originating from the inner layers of tooth called the pulp and spreads to the root tip or around the root. Bacteria invades the pulp chamber and multiply leading to inflammation of the pulp containing nerves and blood supply. Gradually this leads to loss of the pulp called as necrosis and formation of abscess, a collection of pus made up of dead white blood cells, tissue debris, and bacteria
The common causes of tooth abscess are deep dental cavities (decay), a blow to a tooth, dental treatment that gets too close to the pulp chamber, extreme tooth grinding or clenching, etc. Symptoms of tooth abscess are dark discoloration of the tooth, tooth pain, swelling on the gum, bad taste or bad odour in the mouth and jaw pain.
Regular dental visits can help identify tooth abscess in its early stages and treat it to avoid its complications and eventual tooth loss.
If tooth infection or abscess is left unchecked and untreated, it can rapidly spread to the bone of the jaw and other spaces of the head and neck, finally resulting in serious life-threatening complications and spread of the infection throughout the body. Therefore it is necessary to see your dentist and treat your tooth infection at an early stage.
The gradual loss of the outer layer or enamel of your tooth due to chemicals is called dental erosion. This erosion can increase your risk for cavities, tooth decay and tooth sensitivity.
The main causes for dental erosion are consumption of too many sweets, sour foods, dry mouth, unhealthy eating habits, tooth grinding, vigorous brushing, acid containing foods, etc. You can recognize dental erosion when you notice rough or uneven teeth edges, smooth or shiny surface on teeth caused due to mineral loss, pain while eating something hot, cold or sweet, yellow discoloration of teeth or dents. Consult your dentist in a timely manner to know the several ways to protect your tooth from further erosion.
If you have lost only some part of the outer enamel of your tooth due to dental erosion, it can be fixed by a dentist. Even if you have lost a lot of it, your dentist can still cover it with a crown to protect it from further damage
Malocclusion refers to a condition where the teeth are not properly aligned resulting in overcrowding or abnormal bite patterns between the upper and lower teeth. It is usually hereditary.
Malocclusion may be caused by a difference between the size of the upper and lower jaws, shape of the jaws, birth defects, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, prolonged use of a bottle, extra teeth, missing teeth, impacted teeth, or abnormally shaped teeth, improper dental fillings, or braces, tumors of the mouth and jaw, etc. Malocclusion is characterized by abnormal teeth alignment, abnormal appearance of the face, difficulty when biting or chewing, speech difficulties and breathing through the mouth.2
The goal of treatment is to correct the positioning of the teeth. Malocclusion can be treated by use of braces or metal bands, removal of one or more teeth to address overcrowding, repairing rough or irregular teeth or surgery. Your dentist can suggest the most appropriate option for you.
Treating malocclusion makes it easier to clean your teeth, decrease your risk of dental problems, lessens the risk of tooth loss as well as reduces strain on jaws and mouth muscles.
Missing teeth or as usually called hypodontia, is a highly prevalent and costly dental anomaly. It is caused due to tooth loss. Missing teeth not only give an unfavorable appearance, but also lead to malocclusion, periodontal damage, insufficient alveolar bone growth, reduced chewing ability, inarticulate pronunciation and other problems. It can accompany various dentoskeletal deformities, anomalies, or simply complications.
Therefore if you have missing teeth consult your dentist at the earliest possibility. Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth in order to restore function as well as aesthetics.
Do you have tooth that is badly decayed or infected? You might need a root canal to be done. A root canal is a treatment to repair and save an extremely infected or decayed tooth.
The centre of the tooth has a hollow chamber containing the pulp and nerves which extends to the roots of the tooth and into the surrounding bone. Deep dental decays, large fillings, chipped or cracked tooth or a trauma to face can cause a tooth’s nerve and pulp can become irritated, inflamed and infected. During a root canal these nerves and pulp are removed and the inner layer of tooth is cleaned and sealed to prevent bacteria from entering.
If you have severe tooth pain, prolonged tooth sensitivity, dark tooth or swollen or tender gums, you must consult your dentist and check if you need a root canal treatment.
If an infected or abscessed tooth is not treated, can lead to infection, swelling and bone loss in the surrounding areas of the tooth.2
Snoring is a sound resulting from turbulent airflow in your nose due to narrowing at some point in your nose, throat or mouth. This turbulent airflow causes the tissues of the nose and throat to vibrate during sleep resulting in snoring.
Narrowing of the air spaces leading to snoring could be caused by many factors. Factors such as the anatomy of your mouth and sinuses, alcohol consumption, allergies, cold, your weight, sleep deprivation, sleep position and obstructive sleep apnea can lead to snoring. Some risk factors leading to snoring are, overweight, narrow airway, alcohol consumption, nasal problems and obstructive sleep apnea.
Do you or any of your family member experience noise during sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, morning headaches, sore throat, restless sleep, gasping or choking at night, chest pain at night, etc? These might indicate more serious cause for your snoring. Consult your dentist immediately.
Children too can have obstructive sleep apnea and snoring if they have obesity and nose and throat problems like enlarged tonsils which can often narrow a child’s airway.
Do you snore loudly at night that disturbs your partner’s sleep? Or do you feel tired even after a full night’s sleep? You might be suffering from Sleep apnea!
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious medical condition. It is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly. The most common signs and symptoms of sleep apneas include loud snoring, episodes of breathing cessation during sleep, shortness of breath, gasping for air or choking that awakens you from sleep, awakening with a dry mouth or sore throat, morning headache, difficulty staying asleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, attention problems, irritability, etc. Sleep apnea can lead to complications like daytime fatigue, increased risk of recurrent heart attack, and abnormal heartbeats, such as atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure and other heart problems, diabetes, metabolic disorders, liver problems, etc.
If you experience any of the above symptoms, consult your dentist at the earliest.
Sleep apnea can make you feel quick tempered, moody or depressed. Children and adolescents with sleep apnea may do poorly in school or have behavior problems.
Tooth pain is a pain in or around a tooth. It is usually the result of underlying causes like tooth decay, gum disease, infections, broken or cracked tooth, damaged fillings and tooth loss.It is caused by swelling of the middle portion of the tooth, called as the pulp, which contains nerves that are sensitive to pain.
Tooth pain can be prevented by good dental hygiene, use of fluoride containing rinses and toothpastes and regular dental visits.
Tooth pain can also be caused as a result of pain originating outside the dental areas radiating to the mouth. Examples for these include pain in jaw joint, ears, sinuses, nerves or other muscles and occasionally heart problems.2
Do you experience a sharp pain in your tooth when eating something hot or cold or sweet? It is because you have a sensitive tooth. The pain can be sudden, sharp and deep.
Tooth sensitivity caused when your gums pull back and expose the inner layers of the tooth containing nerves. You experience the pain when the triggers like hot, cold, sweet or sour food reaches the nerves. Tooth sensitivity is caused by tooth decay, gum disease, broken or chipped teeth, grinding or clenching teeth excessively, acidic foods, etc. See your dentist today if you have a sensitive tooth to identify the root cause and treat it.
Brushing your teeth incorrectly or too aggressively can injure your gums and cause wear and tear of the enamel causing your tooth’s inner layers to be exposed. This can predispose you to tooth sensitivity.
Do you think your smile is less attractive and is that undermining your self-esteem? You might find a solution for it in modern dentistry!
Although an unattractive smile is not a dental problem, its causes might have a dental origin. Most common causes of an unattractive smile are chipped, broken, crooked, misshapen or discolored teeth. Your dentist can fix these causes with modern advances and developments in dentistry to give you a beautiful smile. You can improve your smile with cosmetic dental procedures like bridges, crowns, whitening, veneers, implants, braces, or gum reshaping.
A combination of cosmetic dentistry techniques are often used for a complete smile makeover. It can not only improves a person’s appearance, but also their oral health and self-confidence.
Wisdom tooth is one of the molars located at the very back of your mouth. Wisdom tooth can cause pain, crowd other teeth out of position or other problems if your jaw is too small to accommodate it. Common problems observed with wisdom tooth are wisdom tooth getting stuck (impacted) in your gums, they coming out in wrong directions, formation of cysts, pain or irritation due to the tooth rubbing against your cheek or tongue, tooth decay and gum disease. In such cases, it is necessary to remove or extract the wisdom tooth.
Symptoms associated with wisdom teeth are problems like pain or jaw stiffness near an impacted tooth, irritation, infection in the flap of gum tissue formed over impacted tooth, swelling near the affected area, etc.See you dentist if you experience any of these problems due a wisdom teeth.
Regular dental check-ups can help your dentist to check for signs of a wisdom tooth coming through your gums and avoid any complications due to it by taking necessary steps at an early stage.